Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Again!?!?! Really???

I was doing really well in January and then I went to my parents and sister's house in Feb and totally and completely fell off the wagon. SO frustrating! I had lost 9 pounds at that point. Well, I found all 9 of those pounds.

So, here I am, back where I started and just a little wiser. I now know that I can do it, but holy crap it's a lot of work! :) My jeans are tight again, and I'm eating at fast food places more often than not. This isn't how it's suppose to be.

I have started back at the gym, and I've started to wear my body bug again. I'm not being as strict on myself as I should with my eating, but I'm being thoughtful about it. I'm not weighing my food, but I am trying to choose better. Most of my family is coming into town this weekend, so after they all leave on Tuesday I plan on counting all the calories and weighing all the food.

I have also started to go to the gym with my buddy Annie. I noticed that I actually workout longer when I'm with her. She does the elliptical for an hour and I can't stand the machine, but I'll do it for an hour with her. I don't hate it quite so much any more because I actually burn more calories on it than the treadmill.

Well, at least I'm getting up off my butt and I'm moving. I know that I can do more, but for right now, it's all I can handle.