Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

So, I am reading the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I just finished the first part where she is in Italy and is experiencing the pure joy of food. Here is what I took from that:

Life is all about the simple things. My daughter woke up at 5:30 this morning and I went into her room to comfort her and get her back to sleep. I decided to lay in her bed with her and go back to sleep with her. I woke up this morning with a sore hip because her bed is harder than mine. Then I thought "How many more nights am I going to be blessed with being able to do this? At what age will she think it's dumb for Mom to share her bed?" I then decided the next time I am going to sleep in her bed with her I am going to cuddle with her, and not just share the bed.

I decided that if one person can uproot her life and move half way around the world to learn the joy of food and a new language, then I can enjoy a 2 hour sleep in a hard bed with my daughter and not complain about a sore hip.

I made that decision to see the glass as half full at that moment. Once I made that decision to think of that moment as a positive, I smiled. It made my heart feel light, like I could take on the day because it started out so wonderfully. Who wouldn't want to start their day after a warm cuddle with their child and then a smile to fallow?

Staying positive is a lot harder than I thought it could be. Not even an hour after my decision to remember my sleep with my daughter as positive, she did something to piss me off. I can't even remember what it was, but I do remember thinking about it later and choosing to try and let that negative energy go.

Why does staying positive and happy have to be a decision? Why can't it happen naturally? Will it ever come naturally? Will it always be a decision? Can't I just be naturally happy?

I have also been playing with the idea of taking yoga classes again. I remember how clam I would feel after a session. I want to feel that calm again. I'm tired of always being pissed off, frustrated, annoyed, stressed, sleepy, and all the other things a person feels. Looks like it's time to run to Target to get a new yoga mat! :)
