Thursday, June 14, 2012

Things I've learned...

Now that it's been MONTHS since I last blogged, I thought I'd log in and leave something. :)

Here is a list of things I've learned about weight loss, myself, and life in general since starting my weight loss journey a year ago. (Yes a WHOLE year ago!)

1. You most likely won't see the changes in your body as fast as someone who doesn't see you everyday. Let's face it, you look at yourself every day. You can see some of the big changes but probably not the little ones. Give yourself a break.

2. Take measurements! I mean it! It's so rewarding to pull out my little book as see that I've lost SEVEN INCHES off my waist. I would never have known the amount of feet I've lost all over my body if I didn't start measuring.

3. Eat correctly! Eat as clean as you can. A good rule to live by is, If it goes bad then it's good for you. Have you seen those photo's of McDonald's food that has been sitting out for YEARS? Yeah, that food doesn't go bad. I eat a Paleo style diet. Everything I eat will go bad sooner then later. Meat and veggies are the mainstay of my diet. I don't eat anything that has been processed in anyway. Bread, pasta, fast food, soda (this was hard to give up, but worth it in the end), doughnuts, cake, candy and just about anything you think is super yummy. My body doesn't like any of those things anymore. It makes my stomach very upset. Not worth it.

4. Work your ass off in the gym and your ass will get smaller. As most of you know, I do CrossFit. I have for the last year. I have never once left the gym looking nice, put together or anything other then sweaty and a hot mess. I also go to 24 Hour Fitness and I always see people on some machine or another reading a book, not even breathing heavy, let alone breaking a sweat. You should have a towel because you have to wipe the liquid awesome (sweat) off your face, not because you need something to sit on.

5. Stick with it. You are worth eating the right foods. You are worth the time it takes to work out. Everyone has bad days. Bad weeks. We all have stressful lives. Someone who depends on us. Put yourself on the top of the fucking list and keep it there.

If you do these things, you will see changes. I promise. This has worked for me. My eating style works for me. It may not for you. Find the one that does. Drink more water then you ever have in your life. Yes, you will pee a lot more, but your body will thank you.

I'm finally past the half way point in my weight loss journey (yay!) but I still have a long way to go. I hear the last few pounds are the hardest. It's time to buckle up and do what needs to be done.

~And so we go.