Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to basics...

Ok, so it's time to get back on the horse and get back to basics. I have allowed so much in my life to get out of control. My eating habits, my workout habits, and just the basic rhythm of my life. I have put on about 25 pounds since Christmas.

I am going to get control of my eating. I am. For real. I'm serious.

Here is what I am going to start doing tomorrow. Even though it's a Tuesday.

1. Log every damn thing I put into my mouth. E V E R Y T H I N G.
2. Measurements. Getting back to taking measurements every month.
3. Paleo. My body likes Paelo. It responds well to Paleo. I have done it and I can do it again. I got lazy and it's time to stop.
4. Add Herbalife in there.
5. Blog. Yep, I miss it and love sharing my thoughts a feelings. It's very similar to therapy for me.

Buckle up! It's about to get real in here!!!

~And so we go