Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I was talking to my mom the other day and her weight loss goal was to get her BMI (Body Mass Index) below 25. She is at 24.7. YAY! Congrats Mom!

So it got me thinking. What's my BMI? So I Googled a BMI calculator and added my height and weight into it and came up with 34.9.

Here is what the web site said about my BMI:
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 250 pounds
Your BMI is 34.9, indicating your weight is in the Obese category for adults of your height.
For your height, a normal weight range would be from 133 to 179 pounds.
People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Rather depressing.
So, I need to loose about 100 pounds. Holy crap.
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed you are paralyzed? That's me. Right now. A part of me wants to take the easier way out and get lap band or something like that. But I also know that I need to deal with the emotional part of why I am this big or I will just end up right back here. I am working on that, or at least I'm trying to.
Getting my house organized and looking the way I wanted was overwhelming, but I was able to get a large part of my house decluttered/cleaned by going one room at a time. It's a lot closer now than ever before. So why can't I do that in my weight life too?
My brother, sister, mom and dad are all loosing weight. Each for their own reasons, but they are doing it, except me. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and excited for all of them, but what the hell is my problem? Why do I keep coming up with excuses not to go to the gym? Why am I not able to see that I am worth it?
I guess I'm scared. Scared of the work. Scared of what people are thinking as I jiggle my way through another workout. Scared of never being happy with myself. Scared of what my husband will think of me. Scared of what I will think of me. Scared of what the world will think of me. Will I like me? What will it be like to live life as a thin person?
I have been overweight for over 15 years. I cried when I realized that. I'm 34. 15 years is almost half my life. It's just so sad. I have let this weight issue rule my life for too long. I guess what I'm saying that I am ready. Ready to become the person I'm scared to become. Ready to put my name on the list too. I think....
PS ~ did you notice I put my starting weight in this post? :) talk about UGH!