Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I went to a Zumba class today. Talk about a reality check! I have always loved to dance and used to go to clubs. I thought I was a pretty good dancer, and maybe I was, but not so much now... I say this as I was laughing at my self in the mirror in the class.

I was the 6 foot oompa loompa shaped girl in the hot pink pants trying her hardest to understand what the hell everyone else was doing.  You know, the one in the back who was trying to do all the moves, make it look graceful (hah!), or at least not too white girl, while trying not to run over another person or hit the pole in the middle of the floor. When I looked around at the backs of the heads of all the other people in the class I saw all walks of life.

From the Stepford Wife lady who had perfect hair, full face of makeup, looked cute and didn't sweat. Then there was the 6'3" gay white man who can't dance. He tried, he tried REALLY hard, but spent more time doing his own thing. Dude, go find a drum circle, no rhythm needed there. There was also the little Mexican spit fire who was about 5'1" and knew how to salsa. Again I can see that you know what you're doing, every time you swing your hips.

I stuck it out. I wasn't sure if I could even do it. I tired. I tired and did it. Not only that, but I'm going back. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie

I am so glad u went ... I never had the courage to do that class but maybe now I will :) ur such an amazing individual and I will help u along this fitness quest ahead o us... And maybe one day we will be taking belly dancing classes with this cute bells :) keep up the great job miss ya :)
