Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trying to move on

Ok so, I think calling myself a victim in my last post was the wrong word. I wasn't attacked, hurt (physically), or some other horrible event. My trigger for my depression was pretty tame compared to what it could have been.

After some reflection I realize I wasn't a victim. I just happen to be at the wrong end of a decision. I completely understand her decision and the reason for it.

It wasn't fair. (I am ALL about fair.) I wasn't able allowed to confirm with her my change in plans so I would have been completely available to work at the camp all summer. (That's the whining portion of the program.)

Even with my ability to rationalize everything, I am still very angry. I'm disappointed that I wasn't allowed participate in what I believed (and still do) with all my heart was going to be an amazing summer. A summer where I was going to be able to help a kid some how. I could have made an impact in someones life. Somehow.

But in the end I wasn't allowed to do that. I ended up wallowing in self pity and unable to do anything that summer.

That one decision that one person made changed me. I stopped participating in life. I quit school because I couldn't keep my grades up high enough to justify paying tuition. I quit going out with friends. It was very difficult to get out of bed. I didn't even want to try and live. I was done with trying as I saw it.

In the end I took 2 years off of school. I worked full time and lived at home because I was unable and unwilling to move on.

I did though. I moved on. Slowly. Painfully. I now have an amazing daughter and wonderful husband. I am SO blessed to be a stay at home mom. We live in a great house and my husband has his dream job.

I have hope. Joy. Love. Never ending love. Love for my family and friends, but no so much for myself. I'm working on it though. I'm trying. And in the end, that's all I can do.

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