Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Letting go...

So, after my last post I have done a lot of talking (thanks mom!) about my trigger and A LOT of internal dialog. I have learned that I have allowed that moment in time rule my life. To control all my decisions. All of them! From what I eat to what I think of myself.

I have been so mean lately. Saying (ok yelling) not nice things at the hubby and at my daughter. After realizing all the behavioral issues I have been having with my daughter are directly related to how mean I have been to her. Poor thing. How could she understand that it wasn't  her fault. I wasn't actually angry with her but at some woman she has never met (and I haven't seen 16 years!).

Once I realized this, I changed. I do still yell, but it's not a (multiple) daily thing anymore. I have replaced that with positive reinforcement. She does something she's suppose to (asked or not) she gets a high five and I acknowledge that fact. She is a whole new kid and I am a whole new Mommy. She doesn't hit me (or her friends) any more, she smiles and laughs more, and is just happier all around.  (YAY!!!)

I have been doing a little internal personal discovery. I visualized a yellow balloon filled with helium. It even had a white string. I then attached all my negative thoughts, energy, and feelings to that white string. After I attached all of that "bad stuff" I let the balloon go. I watched it float up higher and higher until I couldn't "see" it anymore. I gave all that negative stuff back to where it came from. Boy do I feel SO much better! More human. More balanced. More normal.

I was watching Oprah the other day and this is what she said about forgiveness. "Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different." Once I chewed on that for a while I realize how true it is. I can't change the past. I can only move forward. (Another thing Mom and I talked about. Thanks Mom!) So, after imagining that yellow balloon, filling it with all that "bad stuff", and letting it go I am doing everything I can to be happy.

Now that I have announced how happy I am, why the hell is my eating out of control the last 2 weeks? Why can have a really great day (like Monday) where I was in an amazing mood/spirit and then eat like a cow? Why have I given myself permission to eat what I want when I want? UGH!

I have finally given myself permission to go to the gym with my daughter. It's not a bad thing to put her in the daycare area for an hour or two while I workout. She loves to make friends and the daycare area is a good time for her. It's a win win. Now I just need to fallow through with that...

Well, I guess that's all for now... thanks for reading. :)


Lori said...

Once again, I am taking your lead. "Letting go" is something I have a really hard time doing. After being a single mom for 5 years, it was hard for me to realize that there were some areas where I just had to give up CONTROL. Seriously, this little kid, that child, and the next two (not to mention my husband) deserved to make some decisions without my input. There are so many little things (triggers) that don't deserve the response for the origin. You are my quiet hero. I love that you blog and allow me to make my own journey with you. Oh, and props for realizing that it's okay for using the childcare at the gym. I have a lot of friends that are so scared of that. If I could leave mine there all day, I would, as much as I love them. But it's important to have time to take care of yourself. :)

Bren said...


It takes a lot to share what you have. Good for you, and thank you. I have a lot of my own issues and my new business is really forcing me to address them and become a better person for me and for my family. It took me until Lori and Jen dragged me to be ok with leaving my child at the gym daycare, so I can totally relate to that and to so much of what you wrote. We have to remember that to be good mommies, we need to be happy mommies. It's tough, but know that there are others of us on similar journeys. Hugs.