Monday, January 16, 2012


Ok, so I have been struggling with coming to terms with my weight loss. it has taken me several months of self analyzing as to what is going on emotionally with me. Talk about a lot of work! :)

Here is what I came up with; I am having a hard time with several labels. I have put some of them on myself and other people are also putting them on me. Words like: inspiration, role model,  amazing, beautiful, successful. I have never thought of my self as an inspiration or role model. These are labels I would never give myself. I guess that's why I am having such a hard time accepting them.

In my mind I am working out and eating right because it's what a normal responsible person does. I didn't go into this journey hoping to be someones inspiration or role model. I have always wanted labels like; mother, self sufficient, reliable, independent.

It's not that I don't want people to tell me I'm an inspiration to them, I just don't know how to react. How to you respond to "You're such a role model" or "You're such a inspiration". I just say thanks and smile. I am honored that people see me this way. If you feel this way, I don't want you to not say these things, I just need to figure out how to receive them.

I understand that these coments come from a place of love. Please don't edit what you say to me, I don't want that. I am learning how to accapt your encuragement it will take me some time.

I think this "learning how to receive" is what has been slowing my weight loss down. Why I have failed at making the perminate change over to a Paleo eating habits. It's a lot to take in and learn. Please be patient with me.

And so we go...

1 comment:

Nicole McKee said...

Seeing yourself in a different way is VERY hard. It is difficult to shed the labels that you put on yourself. Just know that the average person wants an average person to look up to and to be inspired by. For example...I think Katie Hogan is a RAD lifter. She is totally someone I aspire to be like. However, I bet she was never 100+ pounds overweight. She also has been an athlete all her life. This doesn't take away from her accomplishments, but makes it a little harder to connect. With you, I see you trying to make a change daily. You keep pushing forward, trying to grow, and I even admire your struggle. THAT IS REAL LIFE. So even though you may not want the responsibility of role have earned it. Keep on trucking, girl!!!