Friday, November 30, 2012

More fear...

Ok, so in my last post I talked about Fear. How it can steal your potential. I have been doing a lot of thinking about that the last few days.

I kept coming back to what am I REALLY afraid of when I get to my fitness goal. I think I figured it out. What if my best isn't good enough? What if I get to my goal and I'm not happy? Will I ever look at myself and say "Yep, you look great"? I'm scared that when I get to my goal it won't be good enough.

I the last time I was a size 10 I was 18 years old and thought I was fat (silly girl). So that isn't a frame of reference for me. I was an athlete and was in shape, but not muscular like I want to be now.

I have a recurring fear of not being good enough. A good enough mom, wife, friend, sister, daughter, etc. At least when I was working my yearly reviews let me know if I was good at my job. I don't have those any more. How does someone know you are a good enough mom? I had a really hard time answering that question for a couple of years after I had my daughter. I kinda still do, but I've learned how to deal with that.

So, how does one know they are good enough when there isn't a point of reference? Yeah, I don't know either, I guess I'll find out when I get there.

~ And so we go...

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