Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Time to work out

Well, I am finally ready to start going to the gym. I walked/ran down to Starbucks today to meet up with some friends from the Mom's Club. I did try running some, but didn't do a ton, but I did try. I got a bottle of water and had a cookie while at Starbucks. I then had an healthier lunch and am ready for a snack. I realized that I have to eat dinner before 6pm so I can go to the gym around 7pm. I think it will be nice to have some time by myself for myself.

My starting weight is 259lbs. I have been wearing my Body Bug since yesterday and although it is visible and I don’t like that people can see it, but I guess it's not that bad in the big picture of life. I would rather wear the Body Bug than be fat.

I love Biggest Looser. I understand that it's not 'real life' and people don't loose weight in the 'real world' as fast as they do on that show. What I love is that it shows that you can loose weight by changing your lifestyle. It HAS to be a permanent change in your lifestyle, not a diet, to loose the weight and keep it off. In my mind a diet it temporary and it's something that you can stop at any time. A change in your lifestyle means its permanent and that is how things are from then on. I am working on being more thoughtful on my food choices.

Well, not very in-depth today, but I have to jet.

Progress: 2 miles in 40 min.


Annie Shafai said...

1. Love the new look of your blog
2. I am so jealous you have a body bugg...I want one too!
3. Thats really great that you walked today. Good for you.

Liz said...

Sweet lady, I am so glad that you are turning over this new leaf! There will be days you love it, and days you literally have to wage an inner war with yourself to drag your bones to the treadmill...but you are worth it! Seriously, I now get the Nike slogan....don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't debate over it...JUST DO IT! I have to remind myself to get out of my head and go sweat; it will always leave you feeling better than before you started.
I love you and am proud of you!