Sunday, January 10, 2010


Why oh why can't I finish a project. ANY project. So frustrating! I always have good intentions to do something, like make card holders before Christmas. Last Christmas. I got everything cut out and ready, but I just never sat down and sewed them. I still have all the parts sitting on the table. I can't seem to even put them into a home! ugh!

When we moved from Hayward down here I was excited because we finally had room to put everything. Well, we might have the room for everything, but I just can't seem to make a home for everything. It's not just one room in the house, it's the WHOLE house!

I am so overwhelmed that I am just paralyzed.

I know that I have to start in one room and complete it before I move on. Again, I have started to do that but just can't seem to get it done.

Wait, I did get one room done. It was Cassie's room and then two weeks later I moved her room, so now I have to start over.

I have always been this way. I am a messy person and I have never been able to keep a neat bed room, apartment, or house. Now my house is beyond messy to dirty. I need help. Anyone want to come over and help me find homes for everything???

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