Friday, January 1, 2010

What I'm looking forward to...

What am I looking forward to after I loose the weight?

To be shaped like a woman, not like a Oompa Loompa
Wearing my wedding ring (maybe having to size it down?!?!)
Buying a bra at Victoria Secret’s
Crossing my legs
More energy

Why collarbones you ask? Well, I can see them in my “skinny” photo’s and for some reason I zeroed in on that part of my body to miss.

I miss my waist. I miss having that figure that makes me look like a person and not a Weeble. I can remember seeing that shape in my body when I a size 14, and it will come back in time.

I miss my wedding ring. It’s so pretty and has sparkly diamonds on it and I just miss it. I see other women with rings on and it makes me a little sad that I can’t wear mine.

Who doesn’t want to buy a fun bra at Victoria Secret’s? I am too big to just walk in and try one on, and it sucks.
Yes, I can still cross my legs but I don’t because my foot sticks out so far and it looks like I'm trying to trip someone.

I just want to feel ok at the end of the day. I want to have the energy to keep the house cleaner, to go outside and run (not pretend running) after Cass, to be able to walk around all day (at Disneyland or something) and no be totally useless at the end of the day.

I have committed to starting going to the gym on Monday. The part that sucks is I am half way between 2 gyms and it will take about 15 min or so to get to either one. Talk about not local.

I activated my Body Bug yesterday. If you don’t know what they are they are used on the Biggest Looser and it tracks how many calories you have burned. You log onto the web site and download the bug and then input what you ate and it tracks it all for you. (I told you I have all the tools.)  I’m looking forward to playing the “calorie game” with it.

So, I’m going to have to adjust my grocery shopping too. I will start studying the “Eat This Not That” book and see how I can cut some calories without a serious overhaul of my heating habits. Of course it may come to that at some point, but I can’t change everything in one day.

I have so much more to say, but I think that’s it for now. I am so glad that I have started writing. I always thought that because I’m Dyslexic I can’t be a writer. Well, screw that I say, and here is my blog to prove it.

1 comment:

Annie Shafai said...

I feel the same way about my clavicles!